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Server Admin Abuse, not able to find GSP
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a copy of a report I sent the 5 major GSP providers. 4 of the 5 have responded that this is not a server they provide, with being the 5th who have been completely unresponsive to any communcation to this point so I dont know if they do or do not have standing over this issue. Due to the admin abuse I describe in the report I dont want to leave this unresolved but I dont know where else to address it so I thought I would post here. If there is some other action I should take, please feel free to advise me of such and I will attempt it.

I am sending this to all server providers because I am unable to trace what provider the admins are using to host their server.
I attempted to report this server a few days ago but had listed the wrong IP. My apologies, below is the proper IP.
Servername: ~BB~ Level UP
Time of abuse occurence: May 8, 2015 @20:30 CST USA
Friday whilst playing DayZ: Standalone I encountered a server with an admin abusing his powers. According to the pdf:
Admins are not allowed to: "1. whitelist a public server"
"2. Require people to pay to join a public server"
"3. Exchange 'premium' gear in exchange for payment"

I attempted to join this server and was directed to their website @ to become whitelisted. When I couldnt find any place on the website to request that, I connected to their TS server and talked to an "Admin" named 'Gavin'. When I inquired about how I get to be whitelisted, he told me I had to pay for it. He then communicated that in exchange for payment I would gain access to the server and receive gear like M4's and military loot. He also told me I should wait to pay until after the release of update .56 as characters would be wiped so I wouldn't keep the gear.

Video of the whitelisting required message along with the server info:

Kind regards,


Legacy ID
No Bug
Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

I made a good faith effort to address this with the GSP's, but have had no success in finding a corrective action to this abuse, and the server is still currently operating as of the time of me filing this bug report.

Event Timeline

wrath2121 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)May 12 2015, 12:41 AM
wrath2121 set Category to Multiplayer.
wrath2121 set Reproducibility to Always.
wrath2121 set Severity to None.
wrath2121 set Resolution to No Bug.
wrath2121 set Legacy ID to 2907233711.May 8 2016, 10:34 PM

Hi Wrath2121,

Thanks for sending across this information.

I'll check if the server is indeed registered as "public" since I just got kicked as well. In the meantime, do you have a copy of the ticket you sent across to the GSPs? If so, could you send a copy of the correspondence across to [email protected] please?


wrath2121 added a comment.EditedMay 12 2015, 10:16 PM


I just received notification from Vilayer that they have corrected this issue. Their ticket number was: Ticket ID: 73943. I went back through my emails attempting to find the earlier message where they denied ownership, but I must have deleted it, so I apologize for that but it appears they have contact the server admin about this issue. Copy of their email text provide below:


Thank you for your report, we have contacted the server own and requested that they make changes to their server accordingly.

If you have any other queries or issues don't hesitate to get in touch.

Best Regards,

Adam Brennan (Support Technician)
Vilayer LTD |


I'm actually going to apologize a second time here. After reviewing my emails, Vilayer did not send a notice of non ownership on this report. I made a mistake in reporting this server the first time to all the GSP's by listing the wrong port number on the IP. I then sent a second notice with a corrected port number on the IP. It was the first report that Vilayer sent notice of non ownership to. Ticket ID: #164421 I must have confused them. I'm sorry if I wasted your time on this, as I know you all have things other then this to be dealing with.

No bother at all :)

I'll keep an eye on the server and try to log on from time to time because I did get kicked upon connecting to that server yesterday which is not exactly kosher.


wrath2121 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 15 2021, 10:37 PM
wrath2121 set Operating System to Windows 7.