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Admin chat code #playerlist
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Had cheaters on our server last night and was told by the company i rent my server from to get the players guild . they gave me a code to use in chat once i've logged in as admin = #playerlist THIS CODE DOESN'T WORK... we can't ban players without it?

I used another code = #beclient but it only shows you 5 players details which doesn't work if they aren't the ones cheating . we need to see all players?

show without something for admins to use cheaters are abusing servers
I cant spend all day just kicking the same player

  this is in a public server

This needs to be fixed so admins can past on players info with the log file to server company's

I think once your logged in as admin you should just be able to click on the players name in the players list to show you all the info = players guild


Legacy ID
No Bug
Additional Information

this is in a public server with gamingdeluxe

Event Timeline

tgerutter edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 22 2015, 6:14 PM
tgerutter set Category to Server.
tgerutter set Reproducibility to Always.
tgerutter set Severity to None.
tgerutter set Resolution to No Bug.
tgerutter set Legacy ID to 1239478559.May 8 2016, 10:02 PM

Hello tgerutter,

Thanks for sending in your feedback on this issue. Please rest assured that work on the anticheat measures and related tools have not come to a halt. Please feel free to follow future Status Reports for news on development of the security measures. Also, you can always angage in dialogue with the developers via the Dayz Forums where specific sub-topics are available (Art, Animation, Audio, Design, and Service):
