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There aren't any servers!
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Everytime i get on DayZ 0.54 and hit play/change server, no servers show! i have restarted the game multiple times, hit the internet tab multiple times, changed filters, changed ping to 0,100,1000. didnt work. changed battleeye to yes,no,default. didnt work. Nothing works :/ please help!


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Steps To Reproduce

Aren't any servers on In-Game browser, Play/change server

Additional Information

had dayz when it cane out, stopped playing. back at 0.54

Event Timeline

ImMparks edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2015, 9:45 PM
ImMparks edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ImMparks set Category to Other.
ImMparks set Reproducibility to Always.
ImMparks set Severity to None.
ImMparks set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
ImMparks set Legacy ID to 3070812219.May 8 2016, 9:51 PM
ImMparks added a subscriber: ImMparks.

Found a recent post , gonna see if it will work

Hello ImMparks,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. Just let me know if the problem was not solved.


Problem not solved, i goto cmd and type "netsh winsock reset" thrn i restart pc, open dayz , and servers show up, join one, lose connection, all servers gone. tried it around 5 times

When this happens, does your internet cut out as well?

Well, see. I have limited internet a month, 20 gb, which isnt alot if you are a gsmer and watch a bunch of yt vids. and right now its wasted. so until the 21st i am using a personal hotspot on my phone. (bluetooth/USB)

bump once again.. please help!!

Franzuu added a subscriber: Franzuu.May 8 2016, 9:51 PM

Try doing the "netsh winsock reset" again.

See if it works. Maybe something is setting it back? Any idea what could be doing it?

tried around 5 times. works then loses connection. maybe a personal hotspot wont allow it but idk. More help is greatly appreciated!! BUMP

Bump.Admin/Mod helppoo

Anyone wanna help

The problem here might very well be the type of connection that you're using (you mentioned your phone). Please have a look at the following Steam kb article:

Also, in case the problem persists after you get your regular connection back, please have a look at the following BattlEye FAQ that specifically targets this issue:

Alternatively, you can contact BE's support directly via the following email address: [email protected]
