Admins of RU177 server got tired of cheaters and created their own anticheat. They use SetWindowsHookEx() to track down simple cheats, which can be easily made using publicly available cheat guides (e.g. at But here is the main problem. Such hand-made cheats cannot be tracked by BattlEye and cheaters do not receive global bans until such cheat gets into BE database. But SetWindowsHookEx() is useless agains cheats without main window, such as most of the paid cheats. That's where they effectively used CreateRemoteThread() to load library. They can track almost all known and unknown paid cheats now. The only cheat that is undetectable by this method is the one that CFFTeam creates.
The admins asked me to inform you about it and give your official reply to them, because present BE anticheat is not that effective and cheaters destroy the community. Admins of RU177 are afraid that they will get banned for using those methods to prevent cheating on their servers.
Hoping for your understanding.
Weiting for your reply.