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.53 Mirillis Action not compatible
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Mirillis action(recording software) does not overlay in dayz anymore and does not allow me to record ever since the .53 update. i heard that it was because of the new battleye but i would like to confirm that. i dont know if this is an issue with dayz or with mirillis action.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Every time i go onto the game it does not work and i have seen many other mirillis action users complain.

Additional Information

I heard that mirillis action does not support some features of battleye and because of this battleye blocks it. im not sure if this is true

Event Timeline

Banderoo edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Banderoo set Category to category:support.
Banderoo set Reproducibility to Always.
Banderoo set Severity to None.
Banderoo set Resolution to No Bug.
Banderoo set Legacy ID to 2977625632.May 8 2016, 9:27 PM

obs has the option to work with battleye
(open broadcasting software)

Hello Banderoo,

There's not much we can do about that unfortunately. You can try contacting BattlEye and ask if there will be any changes to this in the future: [email protected]
