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Gun Glitching
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Sometimes several players make the movement of taking out their weapons, and glitches into staying in the movement, if we are doing it we cant know, other players ( from TS ) will tell us, but no way of our self knowing, if you are proned, crouched or standing up, the character will stay in that motion so if we are let say crouched behind a wall in pure battle and our character is in this gun glitch movement and we get shot in the head from the enemies view, we die even is we are crouched or proned behind a wall and away from any player's vision

this happened to a member of another clan we we're having a battle with, i saw him gun glitching and he said that he was in a crouched position and i head shot him and he died


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

put weapon back on back or take weapon back out when someone says you are gun glitching

Event Timeline

r0k0 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 8 2015, 1:46 AM
r0k0 set Category to Movement.
r0k0 set Reproducibility to Random.
r0k0 set Severity to None.
r0k0 set Resolution to Open.
r0k0 set Legacy ID to 3194164261.May 8 2016, 9:24 PM