After running across Chernaurus for almost 2hrs to meet up with my bambi friend who just got the game, we went to loot the airfield and were armed to the teeth. After that we went on our way and the server said "No Message Recieved in X seconds..." we logged off and logged back in. I logged in first and spawned as a bambi at the coast... My friend spawned in a few minutes after but had all his gear. I have been told there are ways to prevent this but it is super frustrating and game breaking.
- Legacy ID
- 1635395422
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Duplicate
- Reproducibility
- Sometimes
Steps To Reproduce
Restart server and rejoin.
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Hello ASynapseCreature,
Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue. Unfortunately, this problem is a known issue that has previously been reported. The devs are aware of the problem related to character save loss and they'll be working on fixing it.
In order to minimize the risk of losing your gear after a server restart, it is recommended that you wait until a couple of minutes have passed by according to the time on the restarted server before reconnecting with your character.
Closing as duplicate of #78.