Before I begin let me just say I've tried looking up possible fixes and pre-existing documentation of this visual glitch before to no avail.
I'm not sure how to describe it other than "splintering" looking grass, however I do have several screenshots showing varying severity of the bug. It seems the grass is extremely skewed or stretched in one direction from MANY grass patches, sometimes appearing to extend to the skybox itself. there are a few unaffected patches around, but 360 degrees around me this awful glitch appears. Whenever turning/looking the grass sort of jitters violently into different splintery shapes. Sometimes the splinters are low to the ground and somewhat ignorable, sometimes they occlude vast portions of the map. Other times it becomes so severe it looks as if I'm standing in some freaky Stalker-esque anomaly, with "grass" completely surrounding me and blocking my view of virtually everything.
Also, the bug appears to be more prevalent on the southwest coast of the map, with inland terrain seeming to be gradually less effected.