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Friend cannot load into Public servers on Stable 1st/3rd person
Closed, ResolvedPublic


So I have a friend from China who is able to connect to private servers but as of today is unable to connect to public servers. We have played many times together on public before so I'm not sure what happened. Any time he joins a public server he gets the message "Your character was unable to be loaded and has been reset. A system admin has been notified. Please reconnect to continue" and then he gets stuck at "Please wait" forever. He has verified game cache and private servers work just fine... so it has to be something to do with his public hive character..... Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

As stated he is from China so he himself cannot access this page, nor can he speak English very well so I must do this for him. He very much enjoys DayZ and it is the only game he plays so any assistance would be great.


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Join any Public server.

Additional Information

His Steam ID is Eric925. and steam ID URL is

Event Timeline

a_w1seman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
a_w1seman set Category to Error Message.
a_w1seman set Reproducibility to Always.
a_w1seman set Severity to None.
a_w1seman set Resolution to Fixed.
a_w1seman set Legacy ID to 2498627842.May 8 2016, 9:19 PM

Hi a_w1seman,

Thanks for sending in your information. The cause of you not being able to access game servers with your character is due to the sheer amount of items that you've been carrying around. Logging on with an inventory of 4900+ items can result in servers bogging down.

Your account should be good to go again, but we had to fix it by killing the character. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket on the Feedback Tracker.
