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Cannot load character
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When i try to join a server it says "Your character was unable to load and has been reset. A system administrator has been notified. Please reconnect to continue."


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

Event Timeline

BurnedTwinkie edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 21 2015, 2:00 AM
BurnedTwinkie set Category to category:characters.
BurnedTwinkie set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
BurnedTwinkie set Severity to None.
BurnedTwinkie set Resolution to Fixed.
BurnedTwinkie set Legacy ID to 1357441527.May 8 2016, 9:15 PM

I Have the same problem is there anyway you can resest the characters for me since its not resting by itself.

Hi BurnedTwinkie,

Thanks for sending in your information. The cause of you not being able to access game servers with your character is due to the sheer amount of items that you've been carrying around. Logging on with an inventory of 8000+ items can result in servers bogging down.

Your account should be good to go again, but we had to fix it by killing the character. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket on the Feedback Tracker.
