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Character Cannot be loaded please reconnect loop. Stable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After logging off of one server to switch to friends server upon loading got the Unable to load character so it has been reset message telling me to reconnect to continue with the please wait screen displayed. then exit and try to reconnect to just repeat the same process. Tried to leave the please wait screen up to see if it was prolonged timer but waited 10 minutes to no differing result. Left the game alone for 3 hours to return to same problem. Tried to connect and reconnect to any server I had been on in 3 days to no avail. Only unusual thing I had done was loaded a 1st person server then left immediately because it showed a wiped character. Assumed it was a separate character that 1st/3rd. Can't play my game at all.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Loading any server yields same result. Please reset character. Game is unplayable

Additional Information

Tried researching but could find no real similar issue or solution.

Please Reset Character

Event Timeline

fizzyrocketeer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
fizzyrocketeer set Category to Multiplayer.
fizzyrocketeer set Reproducibility to Always.
fizzyrocketeer set Severity to None.
fizzyrocketeer set Resolution to Fixed.
fizzyrocketeer set Legacy ID to 248461721.May 8 2016, 9:15 PM
fizzyrocketeer added a subscriber: fizzyrocketeer.

Occurs in stable, experimental, and all servers. Would be fine with a character reset just want to play the game.

Note: Can load private server shards but not public. Can't access server friends playing on


Thanks for sending in your information. The cause of you not being able to access game servers with your character is due to the sheer amount of items that you've been carrying around. Logging on with an inventory of 3800+ items can result in servers bogging down.

Your account should be good to go again, but we had to fix it by killing the character. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket on the Feedback Tracker.
