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"Your character was unable to be loaded and has been reset" in EVERY public server then cannot even load a fresh character.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the morning at roughly 1:30am me and a few mates logged off (after killing a bunch of guys who looked to be duplicating their vests, i picked up 4 high capacity vests which all had 2 more high capacity vests inside them so i knew it was a vestception of dupes within them) with the intention of changing to a higher population server, i went and got some food and a drink, came back and when i tried to join another server i got this message. So i tried waiting a bit and logging onto my previous server, and for the next hour i couldn't join any public hive server. So i did all the usual's, searched the forums, verified DayZ files, turned my pc off and on, reset my modem, got a mate to restart his server (he's the admin of the last server i was on) but nothing worked. Eventually tried re installing 3 times.
And now its over 3 months down the track and i still CANNOT join a public hive server, and iv tried waiting on the please wait screen after i get the warning for over an hour but to no avail...


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

To reproduce this problem, i simply try and join a public server where inevitably i can sit on the please wait screen forever and it will not load a character, fresh or previously geared.

Additional Information

After posting on the discussions in steam once again, someone has finally led me to this site so hopefully this works.
Note: i can join private servers, just not public.
Current game version: 0.52.126010 however this started to happen back in early November.

Event Timeline

inqlimatik edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
inqlimatik set Category to category:playerstuck.
inqlimatik set Reproducibility to Always.
inqlimatik set Severity to None.
inqlimatik set Resolution to Fixed.
inqlimatik set Legacy ID to 2420904983.May 8 2016, 9:14 PM
inqlimatik added a subscriber: inqlimatik.


Thanks for sending in your information. The cause of you not being able to access game servers with your character is due to the sheer amount of items that you've been carrying around. Logging on with an inventory of 3000+ items can result in servers bogging down.

Your account should be good to go again, but we had to fix it by killing the character. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket on the Feedback Tracker.
