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Massive Fps Drop After Stable 0.50 Patch
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Before Patch 0.50 many Dayz Fan were playing game relatively much much smoothly. After patch 0.50 to 0.52 at the moment, fps in game has dropped to half at unplayable levels in cities. It's obvious that %50 fps drop has become after patch 0.50 and it's most probably a forgotten code or something left in 0.49.

Please look at the game graphics engine changes with 0.50 and fix it or let us play Dayz with 0.49 graphics engine.

My system: İntel 4700hq cpu at 3400 mhz stable overclocked (honestly a strong cpu), 16 gb ram, GT 750M GPU, all settings except texture as low as possible. Before 0.50 i was playing very smooth at 30-50 fps but after 0.50 i play with 15-25 fps.

So why i have waited to report so long? Because i have expected that devs fix it with the next stable patch and i have spent my time to solve this issue with manuel settings.

Many of my friends and fans in community just threw DayZ only for that 0.50 patch fps drop. We know DayZ is an alpha version game with unoptimized engine and a new renderer will be out soon but this is a simple issue with only the patch 0.50.

Maybe this feedback will be benefitfull for the new renderer also.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

ifmyn set Category to Performance.Dec 30 2014, 2:29 PM
ifmyn set Reproducibility to Always.
ifmyn set Severity to None.
ifmyn set Resolution to Open.
ifmyn set Legacy ID to 2280178081.May 8 2016, 9:06 PM
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:06 PM

wait for new zombie AI (more server performance less lags)
wait for new renderer (better fps)

ifmyn added a subscriber: ifmyn.May 8 2016, 9:06 PM
ifmyn added a comment.Dec 30 2014, 2:46 PM

@Darcion: There are too many days to new renderer and it make us upset that cant play the game which was very playable before 0.50. I hope it is a simple change and hope that will be fixed with patch 0.53. Aldo this feedback may be usefull for new renderer built up. Thanks for your contribution.