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.52 Server Loot: no loot or all loot in the world in one building
New, WishlistPublic


I've been playing on several servers and noticed that a lot of servers have absolutely zero loot. After exploring I've discovered mass amount of loot all allocated to one set of buildings. Way too much loot for a player to move on their own. One room could yield several hundred various items of clothing, ammo, guns, etc


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Logged onto different servers. Please review the attached screenshot. I have more to provide if needed. Contact me for server names.

Additional Information

Please review the attached screen shot. I have more to provide if needed.

Event Timeline

EasyJesus edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EasyJesus set Category to category:items.
EasyJesus set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
EasyJesus set Severity to None.
EasyJesus set Resolution to Open.
EasyJesus set Legacy ID to 902611928.May 8 2016, 9:06 PM
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:06 PM

its persistence enabled. hopefully it will work better after some patches in Q1 2015