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Backpack and weapon disappear when I swim in ponds.
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I was running from a zombie when I entered a pond in order to escape. When I did enter and start swimming my fully stocked Dry Backpack disappeared along with everything in it and my SKS which was in my 1st slot on my back. I waited for 5 minutes and none of it came back on me or on the ground or in the water. I then logged out and back in the same server and my gear still didn't come back. The only reason I'm reporting this is because it's happened before and it's pretty annoying spending hours gearing up just to have it disappear for no reason, forcing me to start all over again.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Titanicus set Category to category:items.Dec 27 2014, 11:28 AM
Titanicus set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Titanicus set Severity to None.
Titanicus set Resolution to Open.
Titanicus set Legacy ID to 115307328.May 8 2016, 9:05 PM
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:05 PM

its not a bug its a feature ;)

btw. if you have a pistol in your bag, i think it will drop out of your bag too :P

i dont know if this all is intended but its cool. Next time BI, let them drop more items, nobody can swim with so many stuff on his body :)