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Game remains permanently stuck on black screen on startup with "Wait a moment"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When starting the game, a very low resolution startup screen appears with the Bohemia logo. The game then remains permanently stuck on a very low resolution black screen with "Wait a moment" in the top left. I cannot exit this screen unless I use CTRL+ALT+DELETE. This then causes my desktop to appear in extremely low resolution and I can only get out of this by restarting my machine.


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Click on "Play" in Steam or on the application itself.

Additional Information

I have tried verifying the game content in Steam, uninstalling and re-installing and this doesn't correct the problem. I have also tried running as an administrator and this just brings up and endless popup. I have also made sure my graphics drivers are up-to-date.

Event Timeline

cdstanding edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
cdstanding set Category to Game Freezes.
cdstanding set Reproducibility to Always.
cdstanding set Severity to None.
cdstanding set Resolution to Fixed.
cdstanding set Legacy ID to 873376239.May 8 2016, 9:04 PM
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:04 PM

Thanks, yes I tried this and it now works.

I'll close the ticket then, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to open up a new ticket in the Feedback Tracker.
