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Character Randomly Reset
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Sometimes after getting geared up I will join another server (all the servers I play on are Public and 1st/3rd person, I made sure both these servers were too) and I will have a completely new character. I would then leave and join another server and now I will be stuck with my new character. I was also on a server with two friends then we all moved to another server and one of my friends got reset but the other and I didnt which shows we are joining the same kind of server as the previous one we were just on but it just resets randomly. This really sucks after spending a whole looting up and losing it all to a glitch.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Play, then switch servers and repeat.

Additional Information

Extremely High Priority

Event Timeline

cabooserooster edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
cabooserooster set Category to category:characters.
cabooserooster set Reproducibility to Random.
cabooserooster set Severity to None.
cabooserooster set Resolution to Duplicate.
cabooserooster set Legacy ID to 2629127865.May 8 2016, 9:00 PM

Hello CabooseRooster,

Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue. Unfortunately, this problem is a known issue that has previously been reported. The devs are aware of the problem related to character wipes/save loss and they'll be working on fixing it. The team is addressing several elements of the game in conjunction with solving this problem, so in the meantime we humbly ask for your patience while the guys work at it.

Closing as duplicate of #78.
