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DayZ crashes my internet for 5 minutes every time I log into a server.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Lately, I have tried to play DayZ, but I cannot play because the moment I select a server from the server list and play, my modem become overloaded from pinging all of the servers on the server list. Thus my internet goes down for every device in the house for about 5 minutes. I have tried setting max pings per minute in Steam Settings lower to 1000, but that changed nothing. I have never had this issue in DayZ on previous versions. This issue does not happen for any other steam game with a server browser.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Launch DayZ
Select server
Sort by Ping
Select low ping server (20 - 40)
Be in server for about 5 to 10 seconds
Internet connectivity to entire house stops

Additional Information

I tried contacting my internet service provider about why my internet keeps crashing, but they could not detect any problems from their end. (Time Warner Cable, Midwest U.S.)

Event Timeline

mycroft331 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mycroft331 set Category to Server.
mycroft331 set Reproducibility to Always.
mycroft331 set Severity to None.
mycroft331 set Resolution to No Bug.
mycroft331 set Legacy ID to 2072215231.May 8 2016, 8:50 PM
mycroft331 added a subscriber: mycroft331.

Am able to play if I just hit the play button but do not load the server browser. This is still unacceptable because I don't like playing on the same empty server all the time.

I have also experienced this issue using the DayZ Commander client for playing DayZ mod. I know you guys don't own that anymore, but just providing information in case it helps.

Hi mycroft331,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. The cause is basically due to the issue described in the following kb article on Steam:
