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banned from a server for no reason other than killing someone?


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

kill the admin group..?

Additional Information

This is happens often but just the other day we got invited to a teamspeak which we refused and the next day get banned for killing someone that is friends with the server admin.. Server was the GJN General Jerms Nation, I dont see why we're getting banned from servers for doing nothing wrong, I thought this was against the server hosting rules?

Event Timeline

tralvann edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 16 2014, 9:58 AM
tralvann edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tralvann set Category to Server.
tralvann set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
tralvann set Severity to None.
tralvann set Resolution to No Bug.
tralvann set Legacy ID to 1845703043.May 8 2016, 8:37 PM
tralvann added a subscriber: tralvann.

Alright again, on a server named Safari Hunt with a guy streaming I was banned and also watched this guy reset everyone to a fresh spawn after dying and on his stream watched him create an m4 out of thin air...this is happening on way to many servers and its really making this game unplayable, losing a lot of friends to play with because they just dont want to deal with this kind of stuff

Hi tralvann,

Thanks for sending in your feedback regarding this issue. You can always report abusive servers directly to the server hosts:

Multiplay: [email protected]
Vilayer: [email protected]
Fragnet: [email protected] or submit a ticket to their abuse department
GamingDeluxe: [email protected]
Gameservers: [email protected]

If you don't know which GSP the offending server is rented from, just send the report to all of them and they'll sort it out themselves.

  • Remember to include the IP and port numbers, the server name is not enough*

You find these numbers by highlighting the server in the server browser, then selecting 'Detail' at the lower right. If you can't remember which server you were playing on, you can find it under the 'History' tab.

For future reference regarding reporting of servers, please feel free to use the information in the following post from the DayZ forums:
