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Session lost on all servers when connecting
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am unable to join any servers after the .50 stable update

When i do try to join it says "session lost".

This happens on all the servers i try to connect to.

Ive tried Verifying my game cache Via steam 2 times now to no success


Legacy ID
No Bug
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce


join server

get error message

Additional Information

This is my Trace Route to the server I am renting out (I use the most)

Tracing route to DSA-SYD101-DG []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    21 ms    21 ms    22 ms
  2    23 ms    21 ms    21 ms []

  3    37 ms    35 ms    34 ms []
  4     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  5    34 ms    33 ms    34 ms []
  6    35 ms    35 ms    35 ms  DSA-SYD101-DG []

Event Timeline

alucarddelta edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
alucarddelta set Category to Error Message.
alucarddelta set Reproducibility to Always.
alucarddelta set Severity to None.
alucarddelta set Resolution to No Bug.
alucarddelta set Legacy ID to 147301127.May 8 2016, 8:30 PM

deleated my local content and did a fresh download, no success

restarted my router, no success

Here is a video of me connecting to a bunch of servers in my favorites list (so I played on them alot), history list, and internet list where i try to connect to Full and empty servers.

Hello alucarddelta,

Please try upgrading to the experimental version and subsequently downgrade to the stable version, restart Steam and launch the game. I checked your account in the character database, and all is as it should be.

Additionally, would you have the chance to try playing on your account from a different location (different connection) in case the suggestion above does not resolve your problem?


changing from experimental and back again didnt work

I connected to my phones wifi hotspot for a different connection with no success

Trace route via my phones connection:

Tracing route to DSA-SYD101-DG []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms
2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
4     *        *        *     Request timed out.
5   530 ms   440 ms   447 ms []
6   441 ms   649 ms   498 ms []
7   473 ms   520 ms   678 ms []
8   524 ms   459 ms   464 ms []
9    85 ms    89 ms    86 ms []

10 106 ms 84 ms 77 ms []
11 95 ms 78 ms 88 ms []
12 84 ms 89 ms 87 ms []
13 92 ms 80 ms 86 ms []
14 120 ms 59 ms 69 ms []
15 98 ms 100 ms 83 ms DSA-SYD101-DG []

Would it be possible for you to try and log on to the following server please:

Then we can check the server log and see if your connection gets disrupted before trying to load your character on the server.

a friend of mine logged on my steam account on his pc and connection and was able to log in fine

currently doing another install, i will try that server in aprox 15mins

Alright, I'll close out your ticket since there's nothing we can do from our end then. If your friend can log on to servers with your account, this will be a local networking problem. However, I'll just note down a troubleshooting guide that might have some hints/ideas that could help you out.

  1. Check all the physical devices on your network to ensure they are plugged in and powered on.
  2. Perform a connection test on each device connected to the network. For reference, here is a list of platform-specific troubleshooting guides:

NAT Types:

  • Open
  • Moderate
  • Strict

Open NATs can connect to any of the three types. --> Probably the least common type
Moderate can only connect to open and moderate. --> Probably the most common type
Strict can ONLY connect to open.
Strict NATs are a difficult problem with peer-to-peer games. Since most people don't have open NATs, the player with a strict NAT won't be able to find many joinable games.

Also, if the player with a strict NAT does manage to join a game, if another player with a moderate NAT joins later, the player with the strict NAT gets kicked out.

Another problem is that sometimes the ISP (Internet Service Provider) is also behind a NAT, which often means even if you have a direct connection to the internet (without a router/firewall), the ISP still acts as a strict NAT.

Port Forwarding:
The following Ports need to be open on your router to connect to the online servers:
TCP 80, UDP 88, UDP 2302, UDP 2314, UDP 2326, 2338

If you need assistance with opening these ports, please refer to the following website for more information (you will need to know your router brand and model, as the website guides are based on specific routers)

Here are some additional tips that have helped many players improve their connectivity:

  1. Make sure your router's firmware is upgraded the latest version (very important).
  2. Unplug your router for 10 minutes and plug it back in. Some older routers degrade in performance over time until it is rebooted, similar to a PC.
  3. Disable any firewall or other network filtering for the game.
  4. Enable uPnP (universal plug and play) on your router.
  5. If you don't care about security, enable DMZ (de-militarized zone) on your router for your PC's address. This turns off all of your router's firewall features for that specific PC.
  6. Run 'cmd' in administrative mode and use command ipconfig /flushdns
  7. Contact your ISP and ask them what your DNS setting should be.

Direct Connection:
If you are still having issues connecting to the online servers after trying the above steps, try connecting your broadband modem directly to the console or PC you are playing the game on. This can help determine if the issue is related directly to the router or another source.

System restore:
If you're having problems with your PC, you can try to refresh, reset, or restore it:

Additionally, I flagged your ticket as "private" so other users won't be able to see any of your network details (just in case).
