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Stuck again in the same place :/
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was in the apartments yet again looting up. I found a 2nd weapon so decided to try and make it down the stairs without having to use the ladder ( So I didn't drop the one in my hands). I got to the broken part again and went to go down but it almost looked and felt like I slid into the room again rather than lag this time. This is a different apartment building from the one I got stuck on recently... same model/type of building but a different one a bit further along. I have gone down that section of broken/burnt stairs about 5-8 times now in recent months but as you know, in the past few days I have got stuck in this same place so it really needs looking into more. Hope this helps


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go to the Large/tallest apartments in chapaevsk or any of the others for that matter. i don't think it makes a difference.
Go up the ladder in the shaft.
Go down the stairs all the way to the broken part at the bottom floor & stop...
try to go down and watch for the slide into that side room.

Additional Information

In recent days i would have to guess at a % chance of this happening.. i would guess its about about 50%. i think I've attempted that section of stairs 4 times in the past week. Twice I've got stuck

He's on a stable server 49. 1st/3rd person. Persistence disabled.

Event Timeline

EvadDJ edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 15 2014, 7:18 PM
EvadDJ edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EvadDJ set Category to category:playerstuck.
EvadDJ set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
EvadDJ set Severity to None.
EvadDJ set Resolution to Fixed.
EvadDJ set Legacy ID to 3600756387.May 8 2016, 8:19 PM
EvadDJ edited a custom field.
Bohemia added a subscriber: EvadDJ.Oct 15 2014, 7:18 PM

Hi EvadDJ,

No apologies needed, that's what we're here for :) I moved your character but unfortunately, I only have certain set of spawn points to work with. However, I've selected a spot for your character which shouldn't exactly be a pvp hotspot.
