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Conformation of Changes Session Lost
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have two PC`s with the game DayZ standalone, both PC`s are connected to the same router but only one can connect to dayz servers without getting session lost on joining.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Additional Information

i was told i must enable upnp but im not sure if that will definitively fix the problem and i need solutions. Hopefully this will be fixed by the next patch.

Event Timeline

DeathAdder edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 7 2014, 6:09 PM
DeathAdder set Category to Server.
DeathAdder set Reproducibility to Always.
DeathAdder set Severity to None.
DeathAdder set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
DeathAdder set Legacy ID to 3723071478.May 8 2016, 8:14 PM

Hello again Deathadder,

For now, the solutions that we have at hand were included in your previous ticket:

Add -port=25007 into your DayZ launch options on one of the PC's. To do this, you can right click on DayZ in Steam --> Properties --> Set Launch Options and enter "-port=25007" (without the quotation marks). The number doesn't really matter as long as it's different from the other computers which will use 2302, 2303, 2305 by default.

Alternatively, if you have access to the router settings and upnp is turned on, you can try turning it off (disable, not enable), restarting router then trying again.

In case this does not work, I'm afraid that the only way to fix the problem would be to upgrade your router.
