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How is THIS still possible in DayZ ?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello there.

I may be a bit on my nerves here.

How is it possible, after almost 2 years of "alpha", after a (very poor) choice of doing everything server-side, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE for players to cheat like THIS ?

Go to 39.30min.

Developpers, please tell me what is the purpose of BattlEye?
Please tell me, me being a dev aswell, HOW HARD IS IT to implement a watcher for the player moves ? HOW HARD is it to DEFINETELY BAN someone who is moving THAT fast on a map ?
Are you all that bad, or that slow, at programming ?

You are losing your fanbase here. I can play mostly at mornings, and this has been THE THIRD morning of this kind, and that is the ONLY reason I was streaming here.

I do not expect any answer from any of you, as you should be clearly working.

A very-soon to be 'ex-dayz-player'.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Unable To Reproduce
Additional Information

Event Timeline

falcuma edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 7 2014, 7:23 AM
falcuma set Category to Multiplayer.
falcuma set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
falcuma set Severity to None.
falcuma set Resolution to No Bug.
falcuma set Legacy ID to 3019214369.May 8 2016, 8:14 PM
mist3r added a subscriber: mist3r.May 8 2016, 8:14 PM
mist3r added a comment.Oct 7 2014, 8:46 AM

maybe if you know the server and the time (you found the playername well done!)
the devs can ban him at least

falcuma added a subscriber: falcuma.May 8 2016, 8:14 PM

I have no idea which server I was on sorry ... :/

Hello falcuma,

I'm of course very sorry to see/hear about your encounter with the cheater/hacker. I completely understand that it's frustrating, that these occurances still happen, but please rest assured that both members from the dev team and BattlEye are hard at work in fighting these types of players. While we realize that not all holes are plugged up as of now, please also keep in mind that the work against cheaters/hackers is an ongoing process that will follow the development of the game.

Also, as mentioned, I can understand that it has been a very frustrating experience. However, I have to inform you that attacks on the integrity, competency, or ethics of the development team will not be accepted and will result in a ban from official forums as well as the feedback tracker in case this is a trend that keeps going.

Please feel free to send your information to BattlEye at "[email protected]" for further investigation.

