Hello there.
I may be a bit on my nerves here.
How is it possible, after almost 2 years of "alpha", after a (very poor) choice of doing everything server-side, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE for players to cheat like THIS ?
Go to 39.30min.
Developpers, please tell me what is the purpose of BattlEye?
Please tell me, me being a dev aswell, HOW HARD IS IT to implement a watcher for the player moves ? HOW HARD is it to DEFINETELY BAN someone who is moving THAT fast on a map ?
Are you all that bad, or that slow, at programming ?
You are losing your fanbase here. I can play mostly at mornings, and this has been THE THIRD morning of this kind, and that is the ONLY reason I was streaming here.
I do not expect any answer from any of you, as you should be clearly working.
A very-soon to be 'ex-dayz-player'.