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Server disconnects with message "Session Lost" after connection
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Having server disconnect issue.
Internet connection fine. Tried multiple servers - same result.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Join server.
Be disconnected.
Sad times.

Event Timeline

milododd edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 19 2014, 3:31 AM
milododd set Category to Server.
milododd set Reproducibility to Always.
milododd set Severity to None.
milododd set Resolution to Fixed.
milododd set Legacy ID to 1001781397.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM

Hello milododd,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. Do you receive any error messages (other than "Session Lost") when you get disconnected?



Hi J,
No other messages. Just 'session lost'.
Do I need to restart to ensure the update works? Someone else on feedback tracker said something about some missing files...?
Basically unable to play on any server for longer than a minute at the moment.

Alright, If you send me a note with your Steam Profile ID url, I'll have a look and see if it's got something to do with your character in the database. Example: ""

esteban added a subscriber: esteban.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM

Does this happen immediately, or after some play time? I feel like I end up losing connection every 20 minutes from a server, usually less. Also have a great internet connection, so it's not my service. Is this a known issue being worked on, or a seperate case? Just looking for clarification since the topic seemed ambiguous to me. Thank you :)

Okay, the problem appears to be resolved.
It could have been one of two things.

I had been playing on Experimental. When I updated to .49 the Stable servers were selectable in-game. Though obviously weren't working.
I also verified the game file cache through Steam and was apparently missing 1 file.
When I switched back to opt-out of Betas and acquired the missing file the game appears to be working.

Thanks for your help.

That's good to hear. I'll close your ticket then, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to open up a new issue in the Feedback Tracker.

