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twitch streamer openly "duping" and being vulgar
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Signed into a stream where a dude was being rude to his viewers including me, he stated to "hold my tits" and made fun of my name.

He then showed his character that was duped up big time.

I am so sick of this sh*t because i love the game and have about 730 is duping and hacked mags still a thing? Now with grenades you are losing a lot of alpha test players to this.

This streamer said he will keep streaming and claimed it was to show you all the hacks and stuff but this is the proper way. These type of players need to be banned for life.

Here is his information:

twitch channel:
he is raising money here:
he had a few players doing the same thing with him
his name is: UserErrorGille
his saying is: No Fucks Are Given Here

At 410am on 8/25/2014 they were playing on the "Green Mountain Server" to the best of my knowledge


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

how to dup: knock out a player, while knocked out access their inventory with tab button, you should already be naked, when they arise and start to log out you drag their loot onto your naked body, when they log back int hey have all their stuff.

Hacked mags as far as I know is a hack you download unless you "find them"

I always unload them or throw them in a pond as using them is crap.

Additional Information

please contact me anytime as I am a legit streamer, player, admin on my own server, and this should not stand much longer or you all will lose a lot of support for the alpha test phase.

Event Timeline

rritter3 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
rritter3 set Category to category:glitchabuse.
rritter3 set Reproducibility to Always.
rritter3 set Severity to None.
rritter3 set Resolution to Duplicate.
rritter3 set Legacy ID to 4174497179.May 8 2016, 7:42 PM
R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 7:42 PM
R834 added a comment.Aug 25 2014, 1:16 PM

Double post