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XFX R7 260X / Random screen dimming on HDR = Very Low
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Been playing with the in-game, HDR graphics settings set to Very Low with no problems on my old graphics card (9800GT), but HDR level set to Very Low using my new R7 260X causes random screen dimming in various places, as if you walked under a shadow (although I have shadows off).
You can walk backwards & forwards out of these "dimming zones" and it reproduces the issues every time. However, if I set the HDR level to LOW I get no issue at all.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Owners of an R7 260X

set HDR level to very low & walk around towns, etc looking out for sudden screen dims.

Additional Information

I've tried changing settings for my graphics card to see if this will remedy the situation with no luck.
Again, HDR level set to LOW works fine

Event Timeline

djmastas edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 24 2014, 6:46 PM
djmastas edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
djmastas set Category to Game Settings.
djmastas set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
djmastas set Severity to None.
djmastas set Resolution to Open.
djmastas set Legacy ID to 3566293569.May 8 2016, 7:41 PM
djmastas added a subscriber: djmastas.

anybody got any ideas whats causing this? Havent seen anybody else with same fault?