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Ban for playing on a server with a cars
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was banned (Global Ban #510321) because I played on the server with a yellow cars. I writed to Battleye support but they don't answer me.
I could connect to this server with licensed client. And I have not seen warning by BIS about the possible ban for playing on this server. I always played fair and don't used cheat stuff but I was banned without reason. I was just banned because of playing on a server where anyone can play with the licensed client.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Error Message

Event Timeline

DayZPlayer1 set Category to Error Message.Aug 16 2014, 6:51 PM
DayZPlayer1 set Reproducibility to N/A.
DayZPlayer1 set Severity to None.
DayZPlayer1 set Resolution to No Bug.
DayZPlayer1 set Legacy ID to 4037010335.May 8 2016, 7:34 PM
Ireon added a subscriber: Ireon.May 8 2016, 7:34 PM
Ireon added a comment.Aug 16 2014, 6:55 PM

To be honest... that sounds pretty cheap for me... IF there is actually a Server with cars online yet, you wouldn't be able to play on it cause your client got the false version... And even than I don't think you will get a Global Ban just because you random joined this server...But its not my job to decide about that so we will see what will happen...

Now this server is down. But it could was access from the licensed version 0.46 stable branch, when it was the actual version. I'm not saying that I accidentally went there. But I do not thought I could get banned because i played on this server because I did not use cheats. BIS did not blocked these servers and nowhere was warning from BIS about that I can get banned for being played on this server.
P.S. sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.

Hi DayZPlayer1,

BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly by using the following email address:

[email protected]

Alternatively you can visit their website at:

Please note that if you have been banned on ARMA 3 then your ban will carry over to DayZ.

