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tent with weapon plus attatchments despawns attatchments on restart and duplicates guns
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I have a tent. Tent has not been stolen from by other players. Tent is on a server with persistence enabled

Basically I put an M4 in the tent with all the attatchments.

After a server restart all attatchments on the M4 vanished except for the Magazine and RIS handguard.

I equipped the gun and confirmed those parts had despawned from the weapon. I as even able to add spare partS I had.

After this I placed that m4 back into the tent.

I returned the next day and now there is the same M4 devoid of attatchments in the tent BUT 2 more M4s also spawned on the ground inside the tent. So now there are three copies of the M4 devoid of attatchments .

Additionally the hunting backpack I had in the same tent also duplicated itself on the ground inside the tent.

I confirmed that these items were still in the tent .


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Place items in tent and remove and replace after a restart

Gun needs to have attatchments

Event Timeline

trev186 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 14 2014, 10:31 PM
trev186 set Category to category:items.
trev186 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
trev186 set Severity to None.
trev186 set Resolution to Open.
trev186 set Legacy ID to 3185219479.May 8 2016, 7:32 PM