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Zombie one Hit
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It ofte happens since the .47 update that Zombies give you only one single hit and ruin your jacket and often also your vest WITH everything inside it. Also it can happen that a Zombie gives you a one hit kill if he hits your head even with a pristine helmet on... Thats a big balance issue in my opinion specialy cause the hit box of the Zombies is so buggy that its extremly hard to hit them with a axe and even if you hit them they often hit you when they should alrady be dead. Of course Zombies should be a threat in the game but not by making them buggy as hell and giving them the ability to one hit a player and that pretty often... It would be ok if the Jacket/Vest would get a bit damaged after a punch but not instant ruined... that isn't balanced and not realistic either... Hope this issue will be adressed asap cause it isn't any fun to farm some high tier equip like the rare High cap vest just to get it ruined right after ONE SINGLE HIT from a Zombie...


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Take a pristine Jacket and Vest and get punched my a Zombie while you try to fight it...

Event Timeline

Ireon edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 13 2014, 3:14 PM
Ireon set Category to Balancing.
Ireon set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Ireon set Severity to None.
Ireon set Resolution to No Bug.
Ireon set Legacy ID to 3877439098.May 8 2016, 7:29 PM

Hello Ireon,

The current iteration of melee damage is not the final version and will be reworked/balanced by the dev team as the project comes along.
