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Game crash after about 20 minutes of playtime
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I play DayZ for about 15-20 minutes then DayZ stutters for a couple of second, then freezes. I then have to ctrl + alt + delete to get to my desktop, which then I get the message DayZ.exe has stopped working. This started in .45, but still crashes for me today.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Play for 15-20 minutes

Additional Information

dxdiag is in rar file

Event Timeline

Blowkewl edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 6 2014, 2:39 PM
Blowkewl edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Blowkewl set Category to Game Crash.
Blowkewl set Reproducibility to Always.
Blowkewl set Severity to None.
Blowkewl set Resolution to Open.
Blowkewl set Legacy ID to 863441819.May 8 2016, 7:24 PM
Blowkewl added a subscriber: Blowkewl.

It seems very few people have this issue, so this is probably not a very high priority.

I just played for about an hour, then it crashed.

This issue has led to my death over 10 times and makes it almost unbearable to play the game. Maybe DayZ should update massive performance issues such as this before delving into things such as persistent items. That can hardly be considered more of a priority than something that hinders players from playing.

Kira added a comment.Aug 7 2014, 4:15 PM


Thanks for the report but the crash dumps you provided are from April. Is it possible that you reproduce the crash and send us a new ones? You can do that by deleting the DayZ folder. We need the actual ones in order to look into this problem.

Thank You!

If I delete the folder will it erase my character?

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 7:24 PM
R834 added a comment.Aug 9 2014, 3:38 PM

Character data is stored in an online database so deleting the folder should have no effect on your character.

dayz (2) is new crash dump

crashes are back to 10-20 minute frequency.

schu1te added a subscriber: schu1te.May 8 2016, 7:24 PM

I have the same problem. sucks!

I had the same problem (0013419)....

Fixed it by getting a new, faster computer. There seems to be no issue with the game, just your PC cant handle it

What are you system specs? How old is your PC?

I think they need to increase the minimum system specs for this game, so people dont encounter this problem

pretty sure my PC is ok...
i7 2600 gtx 660 12 GB ram win 7 64bit

adnel added a subscriber: adnel.May 8 2016, 7:24 PM
adnel added a comment.Aug 11 2014, 7:28 PM

o relly bro now i must buy new pc hahaha,yea i m going buy new pc iff DEV team send me money for that ,we are not deserve like threat,this relation DEV team and we dayz players this is not okay we deserve respect bicouse we have buy the game and now i cant play game bicouse Dev team dont wana work on this.

Hey Blowkeli,

Your PC is faster then my new PC...I have i5 4690 3.6G, ATI280x 3G GPU, 8G RAM, Windows7 64 bit. You should be running the game sweet....not sure what the problem is....sorry mate.


Just telling you what I did to fix my problem. All I know is I had the same problem with my 5yo PC, tax returns came in and bought a decent gaming PC (many upgrades to come!!), now DayZ is running fine.I am not happy with the DEV's either, just go and checkout how long it took to get my issue even acknowledged, let alone even suggest a fix for it.

I try everything i put my game on very low and still my game is crash

Have you reported the issue adnel?

can anyone help? or update me if they are working on it or something?

Just keep bumping the post, they don't seem to care at this point. I've completely stopped playing for now.. So dumb

yeah, I stopped playing for a few months when .45 came out, but I really want to get back in :(

Try some of the fixes suggested on my report on this issue (see Issue #0013419), they didn't work for me but they might for you....

chimmy added a subscriber: chimmy.May 8 2016, 7:24 PM

same problem here. the thing i noticed dayz doesnt use more than 1.589+- MB of my Ram. i never seen 1.600+
even with raising -maxMem=2500 << same effect of crash
please find a way to let the older pc*s play dayz without chrashes.
for me it looks like less performance inducted overdose.

Kira added a comment.Aug 21 2014, 4:31 PM

Hey guys

We are aware of these problems, please be patient. Remember that this game is in alpha and problems as this are expected. Thank you all for sending us the files needed as this really helps us with the development! We are really glad for your help.

Blowkewl: These crash dumps are from the beginning of the month, could you please create a new ones? Thank you!