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Logging out of server A into server B all items in all inventory slots disappeared. Logging back into server A they re-appear.
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Very very strange. I had logged into the same Stable Regular (not Hardcore) server I was on last night and ran around and looted up a bit. Then I hit "P" and realized there was hardly anyone on my server and I wanted to join one with more people, so I logged out of the low pop server and joined a higher pop server. When I spawned, I was in the exact same place with the exact same mosin, clothes, backpack, etc - except all items stored in my mosin (compensator, scope, ammo) and clothes/backpack (food, ammo, chem lights, etc) were gone. Anything in a storage slot was gone. I panicked but then had an idea - I logged out and logged back into the original low pop server I started on, and amazingly all of my items reappeared in their inventory slots. Very strange.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

Stable, Regular server. 0.47.124621.

Event Timeline

DeathByCrowbar edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 1 2014, 4:35 PM
DeathByCrowbar set Category to Inventory.
DeathByCrowbar set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
DeathByCrowbar set Severity to None.
DeathByCrowbar set Resolution to Open.
DeathByCrowbar set Legacy ID to 2034075481.May 8 2016, 7:18 PM