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Dayz Ban
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was recently banned on Dayz, but the problem is, I didn't have a hack. I was recording a clip for my youtube channel, for an intro towards DayZ, The recording software must of been the reason I got banned, Dxtory was the software and heres my youtube channel:
This is really upset me because they ban people who actually dont have hacks and are just recording or with other software, and I will buy this game again if I have to its just stupid how I get banned from a program so simple that DayZ should allow so people can introduce and actually record some DayZ with it, Dxtory is my only recording software that I bought and I will not pay for another one, I will not record with Dxtory anymore for DayZ.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Additional Information

This game is really fun, its just a shame how you just get banned over stupid little things such as a music program or recording software.

Event Timeline

Addictedmonkey edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 27 2014, 3:43 PM
Addictedmonkey set Category to Other.
Addictedmonkey set Reproducibility to Always.
Addictedmonkey set Severity to None.
Addictedmonkey set Resolution to No Bug.
Addictedmonkey set Legacy ID to 1079485158.May 8 2016, 7:12 PM

There is nothing we can do here.

You were NOT banned for using dxtory, it's a pretty common piece of software that people use.

If you'd like to appeal your ban then you can contact the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

You can visit the page for more details: