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Zombie can kill me but i can't kill zombie
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Hello, today, day 25 of jule to 00:00 hours in GMT+1
i run for the wastelands around Elektrogorosk nex to the principar rail train in a mountain i try to kill a zombie with a baseball bat after 15 turns (more or less) im not kill the zombie and he crash my two legs and after of 5 minutes i dying on the floor, please fix this i was not well equiped but i'm so angry now with the zombies.
Thanks for your attention. a grretin. Bye

P.D: Sorry for my bad english but i'm spanish and i dont speak english to the perfection
P.D 2: That game its really Awesome :)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

in the mountain next to Elektrogorosk

Additional Information

your only option its run or the suicide

Event Timeline

Carloselcaidoxd edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Carloselcaidoxd set Category to category:animations.
Carloselcaidoxd set Reproducibility to Random.
Carloselcaidoxd set Severity to None.
Carloselcaidoxd set Resolution to Open.
Carloselcaidoxd set Legacy ID to 3638478333.May 8 2016, 7:10 PM