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Question about being stuck
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the future instead of killing my character, can I submit a bug issue and hope to be reset/relocated somehow? I would rather wait a day for a resolution than throw away hours and hours into a geared character.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

Thank you if you decide to answer.

Event Timeline

way455 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 14 2014, 4:07 PM
way455 set Category to category:playerstuck.
way455 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
way455 set Severity to None.
way455 set Resolution to No Bug.
way455 set Legacy ID to 1271086161.May 8 2016, 7:03 PM

Hi way455,

As far as it's possible, I'll always try to solve stuck issues without having to resort to killing/resetting characters; unfortunately, it very much depends on the situation and sometimes I don't have the option of just moving stuck characters. If your character gets stuck and you submit an issue about it in the feedback tracker, just note down that you would prefer for us to only move your character, and we'll do the best we can to accommodate your wish.

