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Sound starts strange repeating loop with all audio
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Sometimes, when logging into a server, sounds will begin doubling and then even tripling. This means that when I run and stop. I will hear a set of footsteps following closely behind and up to the position I stopped at. Firing a shot will produce the same strange echo effect. This will persist until the echo has become a feedback loop of infinite sound.

Beyond altering the game sounds, all sound on my computer begin repeating. For instance, voices on TS3 will repeat from one to five times. The effect persists even after DayZ itself has been closed, requiring a restart. The only time I've ever encountered an error like this is immediately signing onto a server.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Start up a server.

Make some noise.

The longer you make noise, the more obvious it becomes.

Exit game and make other noises. Note that game sound didn't stop when game exited.

Sound doesn't always glitch. I've found it happens after playing for extended periods of time (3+ hours).

Additional Information

Also happens on Experimental Servers

Event Timeline

Thortimer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Thortimer set Category to Sound.
Thortimer set Reproducibility to Random.
Thortimer set Severity to None.
Thortimer set Resolution to Open.
Thortimer set Legacy ID to 3485985827.May 8 2016, 6:59 PM