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Crash Report 2018-11-07 23.06.08 +0100.rtf

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Nov 7 2018, 11:12 PM

Crash Report 2018-11-07 23.06.08 +0100.rtf

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 \ul \ulc0 System Information\
\f1\b0 \ulnone OS Version:\
Mac OS X 10.14.1 (build 18B75)\
Hardware Info:\
Machine Type MacBookPro14,3\
CPU Type GenuineIntel x86_64\
CPU Info Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz\
CPU Speed 3100 MHz\
CPU Physical Cores 4\
CPU Logical Cores 8\
Physical Memory 16777216 KiB\
Virtual Memory 0 KiB\
Graphics Info:\
Radeon Pro 560 0 MiB VRAM (device 1002:67ef rev 192, \
Intel HD Graphics 630\
\f0\b \ul Crash Dump\
\f1\b0 \ulnone 8E790EC6-747F-4FAB-970A-8C0AFA3E9581.dmp (483480 bytes)\
\f0\b \ul Application Log\
\f1\b0 \ulnone [thread ffffffff][I][0]: Log system initialised\
[thread ffffffff][I][1]: eON_Core::init() - libICU initialised with result 0.\
[thread ffffffff][I][1]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 356.\
[thread ffffffff][I][1]: Setting allowed number of simultaneously open files to OPEN_MAX = 10240\
[thread 00000001][I][1]: macOS version 10.14.1\
[thread 00000001][I][1]: Detected 2 Metal devices\
[thread 00000001][I][1]: Device 0: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 630', LOW POWER, depth24stencil8 format NOT supported, recommended max working size: 1610612736 bytes ( 1572864 kB, 1536 MB )\
[thread 00000001][I][1]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v1 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][1]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v2 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v3 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 1\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 2\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 4\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 8\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Device 1: 'AMD Radeon Pro 560', depth24stencil8 format supported, recommended max working size: 4294967296 bytes ( 4194304 kB, 4096 MB )\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v1 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v2 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_GPUFamily1_v3 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports MTLFeatureSet_macOS_ReadWriteTextureTier2 feature set\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 1\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 2\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 4\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: supports sample count: 8\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Using device 'AMD Radeon Pro 560'\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Available video memory:4096 MB\
[thread 00000001][W][2]: AppendGameMappingsFromSDLGamepadConfigFile() - Could not open SDLGamepad.config !!\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0500000047532047616d657061640000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 6d0400000000000016c2000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 6d0400000000000018c2000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 6d040000000000001fc2000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 6d0400000000000019c2000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 4c050000000000006802000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 4c05000000000000c405000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 4c05000000000000cc09000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 5e040000000000008e02000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 891600000000000000fd000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 4f0400000000000000b3000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 8f0e0000000000000300000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0d0f0000000000004d00000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 79000000000000000600000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 4f0400000000000015b3000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID ad1b00000000000001f9000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000005769696d6f74652028303000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 83050000000000006020000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID bd1200000000000015d0000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 79000000000000001100000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 5e04000000000000dd02000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 5e04000000000000ea02000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 5e04000000000000e002000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000005769696d6f74652028313800\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 79000000000000000018000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepad mapping: device control index 32 too high to handle\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepad mapping: device control index 36 too high to handle\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepad mapping: device control index 40 too high to handle\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepad mapping: device control index 44 too high to handle\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 2509000000000000e803000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 351200000000000021ab000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID b4040000000000000a01000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 81170000000000007e05000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 10280000000000000900000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID d814000000000000cecf000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0d0f0000000000006600000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID a3060000000000002d05000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 28040000000000000140000000000000\
[thread 00000001][I][2]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 65280 (unrecognized page), usage 11 ((?))\
[thread 00000001][I][23]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 1 (kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), usage 6 (kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard)\
[thread 00000001][I][281]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 1 (kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), usage 2 (kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse)\
[thread 00000001][I][284]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 65280 (unrecognized page), usage 13 ((?))\
[thread 00000001][I][287]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 65280 (unrecognized page), usage 3 ((?))\
[thread 00000001][I][288]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 13 (kHIDPage_Digitizer), usage 5 ((?))\
[thread 00000001][I][290]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 32 (kHIDPage_Sensor), usage 65 ((?))\
[thread 00000001][I][371]: Gamepads: ignoring device: page 1 (kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), usage 6 (kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard)\
[thread 00000001][I][379]: Command line: '"C:\\Users\\bruno\\Library\\Application Support\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Arma 3\\Arma3Retail_DX11_x64.exe"'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'msimg32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'windowscodecs.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'winmm.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'version.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'iphlpapi.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'kernel32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'user32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'gdi32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'advapi32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'shell32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'ole32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'wintrust.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'ws2_32.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][435]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'imagehlp.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][439]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'ntdll.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-2-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-2-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-2-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'kernelbase.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'shlwapi.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'xinput1_3.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'd3d11.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'd3d10.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][440]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'dxgi.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][441]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'dinput8.dll'\
[thread 00000001][I][442]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'crypt32.dll'\
[thread 00000002][I][449]: TomCrypt initializing...\
[thread 00000002][I][449]: TomCrypt initialized\
[thread 00000002][I][449]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH start.\
[thread 00000002][W][450]: eON_HeapSetInformation() - requested low-fragmentation heap, ignoring\
[thread 00000002][I][450]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH done.\
[thread 00000002][I][452]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'psapi.dll'\
[thread 00000002][W][453]: eON_LoadLibraryEx() couldn't load 'Dll\\tbb4malloc_bi.dll', returning NULL!\
[thread 00000002][W][453]: eON_GetProcAddress() for module 0x103300000, in PE file 'tbb4malloc_bi_x64.dll' FAILED. Proc not found at name 'EnableHugePages'.\
[thread 00000002][W][453]: GetModuleHandleExA() - GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN unhandled for module at address 0x10330b028. Handle it.\
[thread 00000002][W][453]: GetModuleHandleExA() - need to implement reference counting for modules for this call to work!\
[thread 00000002][I][456]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'steam_api64.dll'\
[thread 00000002][W][457]: GetModuleHandleExW() - GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN unhandled. Handle it.\
[thread 00000002][W][457]: GetModuleHandleExW() - need to implement reference counting for modules for this call to work!\
[thread 00000002][I][465]: Enumerating COM libraries...\
[thread 00000002][W][510]: Font setting not supported in CreateDialogFromTemplate. Add it when you need it.\
[thread 00000001][I][511]: NSWindow for window 0x11091a710 is 0x600003e08f00\
[thread 00000002][W][517]: Loading icons doesn't support shared icons yet. New icon will be created every time it's needed.\
[thread 00000002][W][518]: SetClassLongPtrA( hWnd = 0x3, nIndex = -14 (GCL_HICON), dwNewLong = 4597626368 (0x1120a3600) ) - not setting it at present, make sure it's safe.\
[thread 00000002][W][525]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][530]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][530]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][556]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][557]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][563]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey = Software\\Bohemia Interactive\\Arma 3\\Expansions\
[thread 00000002][W][566]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey = Software\\Bohemia Interactive\\Arma 3\\Expansions\
[thread 00000002][W][569]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][570]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][1216]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][1216]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][1263]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][1264]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][1327]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][1327]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][2769]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][2769]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][9117]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][9117]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][9127]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][9128]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][I][9572]: DLL LOADING: Using internal library 'wininet.dll'\
[thread 00000002][W][9572]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\
[thread 00000002][W][9822]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\
[thread 00000002][W][10022]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][10022]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000002][W][10069]: DrawTextW without NOPREFIX flag unhandled - if & shows up in text, it won't be omitted and next char correctly underscored!\
[thread 00000002][W][10069]: Drawing clipped texts not supported in DrawTextW! Add it.\
[thread 00000001][I][10093]: NSWindow for window 0x11081c8b0 is 0x600003e01100\
[thread 00000002][W][10094]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10124]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e01100 for window 0x11081c8b0\
[thread 00000001][I][10127]: NSWindow for window 0x11081bf90 is 0x600003e07500\
[thread 00000002][W][10127]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10127]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e07500 for window 0x11081bf90\
[thread 00000001][I][10129]: NSWindow for window 0x11081bb50 is 0x600003e01300\
[thread 00000002][W][10129]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10130]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e01300 for window 0x11081bb50\
[thread 00000001][I][10131]: NSWindow for window 0x11081b760 is 0x600003e0db00\
[thread 00000002][W][10132]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10132]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e0db00 for window 0x11081b760\
[thread 00000001][I][10133]: NSWindow for window 0x11081b8a0 is 0x600003e01700\
[thread 00000002][W][10134]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10134]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e01700 for window 0x11081b8a0\
[thread 00000001][I][10135]: NSWindow for window 0x11081b380 is 0x600003e01900\
[thread 00000002][W][10136]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10136]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e01900 for window 0x11081b380\
[thread 00000001][I][10138]: NSWindow for window 0x11081aea0 is 0x600003e09600\
[thread 00000002][W][10138]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10150]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e09600 for window 0x11081aea0\
[thread 00000001][I][10152]: NSWindow for window 0x11081a8c0 is 0x600003e07600\
[thread 00000002][W][10152]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10152]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e07600 for window 0x11081a8c0\
[thread 00000001][I][10154]: NSWindow for window 0x110819df0 is 0x600003e01c00\
[thread 00000002][W][10154]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10154]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e01c00 for window 0x110819df0\
[thread 00000001][I][10157]: NSWindow for window 0x110c03760 is 0x600003e02000\
[thread 00000002][W][10157]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10165]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e02000 for window 0x110c03760\
[thread 00000002][W][10165]: Desktop HWND supplied in SendMessageA(), returning 0\
[thread 00000001][I][10165]: Closing NSWindow 0x600003e08f00 for window 0x11091a710\
[thread 00000002][W][10170]: Loading icons doesn't support shared icons yet. New icon will be created every time it's needed.\
[thread 00000002][W][10170]: Loading icons doesn't support shared icons yet. New icon will be created every time it's needed.\
[thread 00000001][I][10171]: NSWindow for window 0x1108208d0 is 0x600003e0dc00\
[thread 00000002][W][10171]: Loading icons doesn't support shared icons yet. New icon will be created every time it's needed.\
[thread 00000002][W][10171]: SetClassLongPtrA( hWnd = 0x3, nIndex = -14 (GCL_HICON), dwNewLong = 4597880320 (0x1120e1600) ) - not setting it at present, make sure it's safe.\
[thread 00000002][I][10204]: Raw Input: mouse device wanted, legacy messages: on\
[thread 00000002][W][10205]: Raw Input: NOHOTKEYS flag specified for a keyboard device. We're ignoring it.\
[thread 00000002][I][10205]: Raw Input: keyboard device wanted, legacy messages: on\
[thread 00000002][W][10210]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = Software\\NaturalPoint\\NATURALPOINT\\NPClient Location\
[thread 00000002][W][10210]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = Software\\Freetrack\\FreetrackClient\
[thread 00000001][I][10256]: NSWindow for window 0x110a07ed0 is 0x600003e0a100\
[thread 00000002][I][10261]: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain( pAdapter = 0x60000211ae18, DriverType = 0, Software = 0x0, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0x0, FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 0x7, pSwapChainDesc = 0x1b4471680, ppSwapChain = 0x700008e61278, ppDevice = 0x700008e61280, pFeatureLevel = 0x1b44716e8, ppImmediateContext = 0x700008e61270 )\
[thread 00000002][I][10261]: swap chain desc: width 1440, height 900\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: eON_Int_CreatedD3D11Device( SDKVersion = 7 ) created device 0x600002626700 and immediate context 0x1121c8400\
[thread 00000012][I][10262]: D3D11: Backend thread start\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: eON_Int_CreatedD3D11Device ( SDKVersion = 7 ) returned S_OK\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: Created new swap chain 0x6000029402a0 for device 0x60000214e440\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: Swap chain desc:\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: BufferDesc: Width = 1440, Height = 900, RefreshRate = 75/1, Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, ScanlineOrdering = DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED, Scaling = DXGI_MODE_SCALING_UNSPECIFIED\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: SampleDesc: Count = 1, Quality = 0\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: BufferCount = 1, OutputWindow = 0x3, Windowed = false, SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD\
[thread 00000002][I][10262]: Flags: DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH\
[thread 00000012][I][10262]: Created another data streaming buffer, 4194304 bytes in size\
[thread 00000002][W][10269]: Game wants to disable DXGI reacting to window changes (monitoring app message queue) for window 0x3. Ignoring.\
[thread 00000002][W][10269]: Game wants to disable DXGI reacting to Alt-Enter fullscreen toggle.\
[thread 00000012][I][10277]: Metal subset of precompiled data loaded: input layouts: 11, sampler states: 36, blend states: 9, depth stencil states: 7, render pipelines: 127, compute pipelines: 0\
[thread 00000012][I][10277]: Precompiled shader cache loaded: binary shaders: 104, shaders: 145\

Event Timeline