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Wheeled helicopters bounce when landed on surfaces other than the ground
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


When a helicopter with wheels, such as the UH-60, is landed on a surface other than the basic terrain ground, the suspension starts to bounce rapidly. This rather unsettling effect makes it difficult to safely land helicopters on buildings, large rocks, bridges, piers, etc..


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place an object large enough for a helo to land on, or find an existing one on the terrain. Pier (Concrete) Land_Pier_F will do fine.
  2. Place a CSLA wheeled helicopter, such as the UH-60, on top of the object. Also place a player unit nearby.
  3. Start the mission. Observe the helicopter rapidly bouncing.
Additional Information

The GM guys also had this problem, and they managed to get it fixed. You might be able to ask them for advice.

Event Timeline

NikkoJT created this task.Apr 7 2023, 6:22 PM
Lukyy changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jul 24 2023, 12:53 PM
Lukyy added a subscriber: Lukyy.

Thank you for the report, we'll look into it.

This comment was removed by LouMontana.