There is no way to set the inclination of the helicopter body in a certain direction, keep this slope until the next change in slope.
The helicopter control has the setting - "Forward, Backward, Left, Right".
The hint in this position is "tilt the aircraft forward, backward, left, right".
This is accomplished by the following helicopter mechanism:
-The control of this mechanism of the helicopter is performed ideally from the helicopter.
But there is not always a joystick, and not always.
-The control of this helicopter mechanism is not convenient from the keyboard.
Holding the button "W" - leads to a permanent blockage of the helicopter forward and rapid loss of flight altitude.
Release the "W" button - automatically returns the helicopter to the horizontal position. This is especially evident at high speeds.
-The control of this helicopter mechanism from the mouse is performed in the same way as from the keyboard. Changing the position of the mouse reproduces the slope, but stopping the mouse does not preserve the position of the angle of inclination of the helicopter.
To keep the helicopter's constant speed forward, I need to constantly tilt the helicopter forward W_W_W_W_W_W_W_W_W_W_W_W_ or always move the mouse |-. This creates a zigzag in the flight path, resulting in unnecessary set and loss of speed.
Moving forward is similar to balancing, between loss of height (strong forward) and loss of speed (automatic horizontal position).
It is difficult to keep the direction of the sight in the shooting, the helicopter position always shifts.
The same effect in the displacement of the helicopter to the sides, the keys "A", "S" and "D".
It is impossible to maintain a certain slope of the helicopter for a long time. This leads to continuous changes in the "- \ +" speed of motion, to continuous changes in the "- \ +" flight altitude.
After changing the angle of inclination of the helicopter, the effect of the recession of the main propeller must maintain the position of the slope.