104.227.2154 Port 2802 RyA is the admin John Coffey was the admins friend Story is me and some friends were hopping empty servers to gather some loot so we didn't get slaughtered on the coast line. We went into their server and were peacefully playing with them (had no interaction with them). Soon enough we ended up in Electro and saw an entire encampment of items and trucks including 3 SVD, 2 M4, and 2 AUG. We stole their trucks with all of the loot inside after Coffet and Admin RyA had left the server. Soon enough John came back and must have alerted Admin RyA then they restarted the server deleting everything we had worked for to that point and the heist we pulled off leaving us a new spawns. We have the stream video to prove it as well shows RyA coming back in and resetting the server. We were only doing normal DayZ stuff like heisting someone's stuff this is DayZ for god sake but to sit there and abuse admin power and delete not only the heist but also our original equipment that seems ridiculous. Hopefully something is done about it even though it is in alpha I would hope the devs wouldn't want this kind of activity going on later on. www.twitch.tv/intensity2010 Maybe in the last 30-40 minutes we begin the heist and 2 hours 41 minutes in he reset us. http://www.twitch.tv/intensity2010/v/19907185 link the the video itself.