**First Bug :**
The command getEnvSoundController not working for "meadow" and "windy" sounds controllers, returning all the time 0, but these two sound controllers are inside environment sound config in Tanoa config.
This command need to delete the support of "meadows" sound controller, because it's only for CfgWeapons and not for environment sounds and instead adding support of "meadow" sound controller, this one is for environment sounds.
This command need to delete the support of "wind" sound controller, because it's only for CfgVehicles and not for environment sounds and instead adding support of "windy" sound controller, this one is for environment sounds.
**Second Bug :**
getAllEnvSoundControllers returning "meadows" and "wind" sounds controllers instead of "meadow" and "windy" sounds controllers.
"meadows" sound controller is used for cfgweapons and not environment sounds.
"wind" sound controller is used for cfgvehicles and not for environment sounds.