1. `KnowsAboutChanged `:
Currently the `KnowsAboutChanged ` event handler triggers for more than just valid targets (those returned by `targets`/`targetsQuery` commands). For example see this comment: T161515#2281413
Some of those are not valid targets (e.g. misc objects such as modules, decals, props, etc. are returned too)
I can't think of any reason why the scripter should be interested in those objects anyway. So they should be filtered out so that the EH doesn't trigger for them.
2. `EnemyDetected`:
The event handler doesn't seem to trigger at all.
3. `UnitLeft`:
if you do `[unit] joinSilent someGrp` (someGrp can also be `grpNull`) the group of the left unit is `grpNull` when the EH triggers. It should trigger after the unit has a group (group of a unit should never be null)
4. `CombatModeChanged`:
It only triggers if the Combat Mode changes automatically. It doesn't trigger if you do it via commanding menu or scripting commands (e.g `grp setCombatMode "BLUE"` or `grp setCombatMode "RED"` doesn't trigger)
5. `EnableAttackChanged`:
Doesn't seem to trigger:
`group player enableAttack !attackEnabled group player`
6. `Fleeing`:
Always shows `true` for the fleeing value.
Simply create an enemy officer with no weapons, name his group `grp` and shoot towards him a few times to make him flee:
grp addEventHandler ["Fleeing", {
systemChat str ["ch", _this];
[] spawn {
waitUntil {fleeing leader grp};
systemChat "fleeing";
waitUntil {!fleeing leader grp};
systemChat "not fleeing"
Feature Requests:
1. `CombatModeChanged`: Should also be a unit event handler, since combat mode can be changed per unit (maybe that's why the group version doesn't work?)
2. `BehaviourChanged`: Another very useful EH. Should be both a group and unit EH.
3. `CommandChanged`: A unit EH that triggers when any parameter in the unit's `currentCommand` or `expectedDestination` changes. For a simple use case, it can be used instead of looping to detect when unit is ready: `waitUntil {unitReady unit}`