Hello! Motion of character now and even in the .63 patch too torn and not smooth. It's good that you added inertia, but make it more efficient and better, because even in .63 on the video you can see that you can still zig-zaging and still use it. Make character's movements more Smoother and slower. Character is too fast running and just walks. Make it like Escape from Tarkov. In houses really quickly run and it looks like it's boiling and not atmospheric. PLEASE READ IT: And about flashlights: Add a hot key for flashlights,because join in inventory to on the flashlight it's really strange and not so quickly. Make just character is more slower and smoother. This is will great. And about inventory near the car: Why you can join inventory not opening the door or the trunk of the car? Why inventory near the car,but not in the car? Will it fixed in .63 patch?