A feature that I personally would like to see in the UAV terminal would be an Advanced Waypoint mode. What I mean by this is that it would be nice to be able to set more specific waypoint constraints. I envision it being a menu when you alt-right click on the waypoint. It would contain the following options. Waypoint type- The current options are fine
Beneath this for loiter you should be able to set a user defined range
Behavior- Again the current options are fine
Altitude- I envision having a max and min constraint both user defined. For instance set altitude to 1000m ASL with a min altitude of 500m AGL. How the program would interpret this would be maintain 1000m above sea level unless the height above ground level was less than 500m at which point the UAV would adjust altitude to maintain 500m above ground level. If height is greater than 500m AGL the it will maintain 1000m ASL. Hopefully I explained that well enough.
Speed- Option to set speed to be from slow(just enough to maintain altitude and heading) to High (as fast as possible) This could be either a slider or text options.
Finally, it would be awesome if the default behavior would be never fire as opposed to open fire. Often times the UAV will engage a target prior to me being able to change the behavior and subsequently get shot down. In addition, I have found that with a loiter waypoint if the UAV has not reached the set height prior to getting to the loiter distance it will proceed through the waypoint prior to beginning the circle. Depending on how high the UAV has reached, it will often get shot down.
Hopefully these things can be addressed!