Combine "Water Bottle + Duct Tape"• Crafting - "Water Bottle + Dust Mask" or "Water Bottle + Duct Tape"
[Note: If Duct Tape is used it should take a full 100% Duct Tape.]
• Size - The size should be 2x3 inside inventory.
Should be 2x3 inside inventory[Note: This will be the smallest Gas Mask compared to Combat Gas Mask (3x4), NBC Gas Mask (Black) (3x4), NBC Gas Mask (White) (3x3) ]
• Visibility - Slightly blurry or not as clear as normal Gas Masks. Distorted view?
*Visibility should slightly be blurry or not as clear as normal Gas Masks, more foggy perhaps?
*Only• Attachment - "Improvised Gas Mask Filters" should be the
only filter attachment not normal, no military filters.