1. open the editor
2. choose stratis
3. place a Bluefor Player-Unit
4. Place a Bluefor Helicopter "AH-9"
5. Place an Opfor-Unit somewhere close to the Player
6. Place a support requester module (change module settings at CAS helicopter attack ie. to "2")
7. Place a "support-cas-virtual-helicopter-attack" module
8. ungroup modules
9. Synchronize the Bluefor helicopter to the "support-cas-virtual-helicopter-attack" module
10. Synchronize the "support-cas-virtual-helicopter-attack" module to the Support requester module
11. Synchronize the Support requester module to the Player unit.
12. Switch to "Markers" in the editor menue
13. Place a Marker
14. Name the marker "respawn_west" (make sure that your description.ext or init.sqf is ready for Respawn at Base with any delay).
15. export the mission to multiplayermissions
16. Leave the Editor
17. Click on Play
18. Cklick on Multiplayer
19. Host a new Multiplayer session with the above mission
20. Kill the Opfor-Unit
21. call cas-helicopter-attack using the comms
22. Watch the helicopter coming in
23. Abort and restart Multiplayermission
24. let the Opfor-Unit shoot you
25. after respawn again call cas-helicopter-attack using comms
26. you will be able to go through the process till you have chosen cas-helicopter attack
27. No helicopter attack will take place