- Improve inventory visibility and manipulation with mouse and keyboard
- Maybe add “right/left” shoulder emplacement instead of adding weapons in 1/2/3 inventory bar.
- Have specific slot for “misc item” (compass exist but always empty even with compass in the clothes, map is not there, radio is not there, etc..) It would make more sense to have these specific "misc" items in their dedicated slot, rather than showing along bandage, cartridge, grenade, etc..
- Instead of showing x square inside a clothes, shows what type of thing it can store. Example : grenade vest, HE/HEDP grenade slot, ammos, etc... ? with maybe multiple slot for some, like ammo if you want to carry 2 types ammo (AK/M16 type)
- Sometime to move an item from one clothe to another and it doesn't refresh. You have to close/reopen to see the item has moved.
- When you fill your inventory of the same clip, even if there is free storage in the clothe it began to load them it will randomly switch to another for no specific reason (you got handgun clips in your vest and one in the trouser)
- Add more features into inventory (repacking cartridge is an example that could be accessible with right click popup menu)
(yeah, if you want to make a game for xbox & pc, you have to think twice to get the best for each platform)