1) Build a mission with two units in it. Name them Carl and Ermy.
2) create sentenceDB.bikb in the mission's root:
class Sentences
class ErmyHelpPlane
text = "";
speech[] = {"sound\ErmyHelpPlane.ogg"};
variant = "";
variantText = "";
class Arguments {};
class Carl1B
text = "";
speech[] = {"sound\Carl1B.ogg"};
variant = "";
variantText = "";
class Arguments {};
3) Make some voice recordings. Name them Carl1B.ogg and ErmyHelpPlane.ogg. Create a folder in the mission root named sound and drop them in there.
4) Create .lip file for each
5) Run the mission on a dedicated server and join up.
6) Run the following code:
Ermy linkItem "ItemRadio";
Carl linkItem "ItemRadio";
Ermy kbAddTopic ["test1Topic", "sentenceDB.bikb", "", ""];
Carl kbAddTopic ["test2Topic", "sentenceDB.bikb", "", ""];
[] spawn {Carl kbTell [Carl, "test2Topic", "Carl1B", ["",{},"",[""]], false]; sleep 0.5;Ermy kbTell [Ermy, "test1Topic", "ErmyHelpPlane", ["",{},"",[""]], false];};