Setter for the various loadVest, loadBackpack etc, so this would for setting given container's load, would be a percentage of the container max load like the mentioned loadVest, loadUnifrom etc comands are.
(backpackContainer player) setContainerLoad 0.4;.
_ammobox1 setCSo this would be for setting given containerLoad 0;rs current load regardless of what is in it.
```Would be a percentage of the container max load like the mentioned loadVest, loadUnifrom etc comands are.
Additionally, there seems to be no way the get a ammobox/vehicle transport etc container loads (unless I'm being blind as a bat/the usual dumbass again), only reammo vehicle rearming ammocargo load, and particular vest, uniform etc container load 🤔 so a generic for all containers, //loadContainer//.
- Or, add additional syntax for the existing //load// which currently is just for the given soldier's carried load
loadContainer <container>;
if (loadContainer _sack > 0) then {
_sack setContainerLoad 0;
hint "my s(backpackContainer player) setContainerLoad 0.4; //set backpack is empty again";carried load to 40% (regardless of what it was prior)
};_ammobox1 setContainerLoad 0; //set ammobox load to 0% (regardless of what it was prior)
AlsoAdditionally, there seems to be no way the //get// given ammobox/vehicle transport container loads, one might have use for something like this at some point:only reammo vehicle //rearming// ammocargo load.
```And particular vest, uniform etc container loads.
<container> setContainerMaxLoad <load>;So a generic getter for all containers, //loadContainer// (or additional syntax for the existing //load// which currently is just for the given soldier's carried load)
- coef for loadContainer <container's default max load
- maybe allow exceeding the default maximum >; //returns a number between 0 and 1
if (load for the given container 🤔
```Container _sack > 0) then {
_container _sack setContainerMaxLoad 1; // set max load to full default maximum load for the given container0;
_container setContainerMaxLoad 0.3; // set max load to a third of full default maximum load for the given container hint "my sack is empty again";
_container setContainerMaxLoad 3; // set max load to 3 times the default maximum load for the given container};