There is no way to remove or otherwise manipulate a single specific magazine in a container.
Which is a bit of a pita for say magazine repack stuff, and such.
So was wondering whether it could be possible to have this kind of functionality by using the ids returned with magazinesDetail (edit: oh, and with magazinesAmmoFull)? 🤔
Basing this on the fact that there is a unfinished/unsupported-ish command [[ | removeWeaponCargo ]] with that kind of functionality for weapons (same kind of command exists for weaponAttachments too).
_container removeMagazine [<id>, <cr>];
To go even further would not mind at all if something like //setMagazineAmmoCargo// could be added (or alt syntax fro setAmmoCargo):
_container setMagazineAmmoCargo [<id>, <cr>, <ammo count>];