Code a muzzle attachment and within that new class include the following:
class ItemInfo: InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F
class AmmoCoef
hit = 0; // have also tried 0.001, 0.01
typicalSpeed = 1;
airFriction = 1;
visibleFire = 0.9; // its big and yellow but does mask a part of the muzzle-flash
audibleFire = 1.0;
visibleFireTime = 1.0;
audibleFireTime = 1.0;
cost = 1;
I've also included my full define below, minus any code that would cause issue:
class SSQN_BFA: muzzle_snds_h
author = "S Squadron";
scope = 2;
displayName = "Blank Firing Attachment";
descriptionShort = "Used on: L119A1 variants";
//model = "\SSQN_L119A1\attachments\BFA.p3d";
//picture = "\SSQN_L119A1\inv\ssqn_acc_supp556_ca.paa";
class ItemInfo: InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F
mass = 3.3;
class MagazineCoef
initSpeed = 1.0;
class AmmoCoef
hit = 0;
typicalSpeed = 1;
airFriction = 1;
visibleFire = 0.9;
audibleFire = 1.0;
visibleFireTime = 1.0;
audibleFireTime = 1.0;
cost = 1;
soundTypeIndex = 0;
muzzleEnd = "zaslehPoint";
alternativeFire = "Zasleh2";
class MuzzleCoef
dispersionCoef = "1.0f";
artilleryDispersionCoef = "1.0f";
fireLightCoef = "0.1f";
recoilCoef = "1.0f";
recoilProneCoef = "1.0f";
minRangeCoef = "1.0f";
minRangeProbabCoef = "1.0f";
midRangeCoef = "1.0f";
midRangeProbabCoef = "1.0f";
maxRangeCoef = "1.0f";
maxRangeProbabCoef = "1.0f";
inertia = 0.05;
Then code a weapon to use the above defined attachment (or one of your own making, either/or). Test in game and find that no matter the hit value, the game always seems to equate the "damage" as that of whatever ammunition the weapon uses, rather than the value the AmmoCoef's "hit" value should be, when it should in fact be zero (or very close to it depending on whatever value you used in AmmoCoef).